The source for this page is the last census (2011)

Population (by age)

actual count % of total
0-4 36 5%
5-9 48 7%
10-17 66 9%
18-29 72 10%
30-64 331 47%
65-84 102 15%
85+ 45 6%
Total population 700  100% 


75 people were living in the two care homes.


Working Population by Occupation

There are 324 people living in Stambridge aged between 16 and 74 who are in employment.

Agriculture 10 3%
Manufacturing 28 9%
Construction 30 9%
Wholesale and Retail Trade 39 12%
Transport and Storage 14 4%
Accomodation and Food 16 5%
Financial Services 25 8%
Professional 20 6%
Administration 21 6%
Public Asministration and Defence 23 7%
Education 27 8%
Health and Social Work 38 12%
Other 33 10%
Total Working Population 324  100%


2011 Census

The Census is carried out every ten years, the latest one being in 2011. The volume of information is almost overwhelming but does make for a fascinating insight into our community.


Links to Office of National Statistics

You can find all the ONS data on Stambridge here

To find Census information for other parts of the country, click here